Thursday, October 20, 2011

How To Extract Wallpapers From Windows 7 Themepack

We have seen how to make a Windows 7 themepack from your bunch of favorite wallpapers. But what if you want to use the wallpapers of any themepack separately?

Well if you are using 7-Zip as your extraction utility, it shouldn’t be a problem! Simply right click on the themepack file and select “Extract”.

But if you are not using 7-Zip, the you may have to first apply that themepack and then navigate to the folder where the themepack stores the desktop wallpapers.

This folder is a hidden folder and hence you may have to first slecet on ‘Show hidden files & folder’ option from the Explorer Folder Options.

Having done this, navigate to the following folder:


Here you will see a bunch of theme folders. Select the theme folder, whose wallpapers you need and open the DesktopBackground folder.

You will see the desktop wallpapers of that themepack there!

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